Le cellule staminali embrionali umane rappresentano un’importante finestra nella nostra battaglia contro le malattie croniche e il danno tissutale.
La tecnologia offre per la prima volta, a basso costo, un modo scalabile per realizzare un grande numero di cellule viventi per sostituire le cellule e ripristinare la funzione di quasi tutti gli organi del corpo colpiti da malattia cronica o danno.
Sono necessarie leggi e regolamentazioni che siano in grado di favorire lo sviluppo di questo potenziale in tempi brevi. I costi sociali ed economici delle malattie croniche nella nostra popolazione, sempre più fatta di anziani, non chiede niente di meno.
1. Lebkowski, J., Gold, J., Xu, C., Funk, W., Chiu, C., Carpenter, M. (2001). Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Culture, Differentiation, and Genetic Modifi cation for Regenerative Medicine Applications, The Promise of Cellular Therapy, The Cancer Journal, Vol. 7(2):S83-S93.
2. Rosler, E., Fisk, G., Ares, X., Irving, J., Miura, T., Rao, M., Carpenter, M. (2004). Long-Term Culture of Human Embryonic Stem Cells in Feeder-Free Conditions, Developmental Dynamics, 229:259- 274. 3. Xu, C., Rosler, E., Jiang, J., Lebkowski, J., Gold, J., O’Sullivan, C., Delavan-Boorsma, K., Mok, M., Bronstein, A., Carpenter, M. (2005). Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor Supports Undifferentiated Human Embryonic Stem Cell Growth without Conditioned Medium, Stem Cells, Vol. 23:315- 323.
4. Xu, C., Police, S., Rao, N., Carpenter, M. (2002). Characterisation and Enrichment of Cardiomyocytes Derived from Human Embryonic Stem Cells, Circulation Research, Vol. 91:501-508.
6. Carpenter, M., Inokuma, M., Denham, J., Mujtaba, T., Chiu, C., Rao, M. (2001). Enrichment of Neurons and Neural Precursors from Human Embryonic Stem Cells, Experimental Neurology, Vol. 172:383-397.
7. Sottile, V., Thomson, A., McWhir, J. (2003). In vitro Osteogenic Differentiation of Human ES Cells, Cloning and Stem Cells, Vol. 5(2):149-155.
8. Rambhatla, L., Chiu, C., Kundu, P., Peng, Y., Carpenter, M. (2003). Generation of Hepatocyte-Like Cells from Human Embryonic Stem Cells, Cell Transplantation, Vol. 12:1-11.
9. Nistor, G., Totoiu, M., Haque, N., Carpenter, M., Keirstead, H. (2004). Human Embyronic Stem Cells Differentiate into Oligodendrocytes in High Purity and Myelinate After Spinal Cord Transplantation, GLIA, Vol. 49(3):385-396.
10. Keirstead, H., Nistor, G., Bernal, G., Totoiu, M., Cloutier, F., Sharp, K., Steward, O. (2005). hESC Derived Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cell Transplants Remyelinate and Restore Locomotion after Spinal Cord Injury, Journal of Neuroscience, Vol.25(19)4694-4705.
11. Wang, L., Menendez, P., Shojaei, F., Li, L., Mazurier, F., Dick, J., Cerdan, C., Levac, K., Bhatia, M. (2005). Generation of Haematopoietic Repopulating Cells from Human Embryonic Stem Cells Independent of Ectopic HOXB4 Expression, Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol. 201(10):1603-1614.
12. Jiang, J., Eshpeter, A., Fisk, G., Au, M., Lovelace, P., Lebkowski, J., Korbutt, G., Majumdar, A. Human Embryonic Stem Cells to Pancreas Differentiation: A Three-Stage Protocol to Generate Producing, Glucose Responsive Cell Clusters via Pancreatic Endoderm, Keystone Symposia 2006 Abstract Book, Abstract 215, and Taos, New Mexico.
13. Lafl amme, M.A., Gold., J., Xu, C., Hassanipour, M., Police, S., Schurb, K., Chen, K., Minami, E.A., Gill, S., Ueno, S., Muskheli, V., Murry, C.E. “Cardiac Applications For Human Embryonic Stem Cells” 2nd World Congress International Academy of Cardiovascular Science, 2006 Book, Abstract 691, Sapporo, Japan